Free Airline Tickets
Everyone loves free, especially when its free airline tickets. The top ten ways to get free airline tickets are as follows: 1. Go to a travel club presentation. You will spend between 90 minutes and three hours listening to the sales pitch. You will then get some travel vouchers that will not include taxes. Timeshare presentations are the same. 2. Sign up for a credit card that is giving free airline tickets. Just sign up and follow directions to use your bonus miles for the airline tickets. Then cancel the card if the free tickets were your only objective. 3. Volunteer to get bumped from a flight. Get bumped again on the next flight for extra bonus. 4. Open a TD Ameritrade account and get free miles. The more you put in, the more you get. Of course you can pull the money back out if you do not want to invest it. 5. You can earn miles by eating out on your credit card. You can enroll in programs like Southwest Airlines dining card. The larger the city, the more places that you can eat and get points. 6. You can shop for points as well as stores like Bebe and Sunglass Hut. 6. Complain about flight problems. Complain online through email or a complaint form to get the best results. Be sure to ask they want to make the situation right. Expect a voucher in the mail in a week or so. 7. Take longer flight to earn more miles. Go to out of the way connections. 8. Take out a home loan with companies giving free flights or massive amounts of miles. 9. Try to win radio contests were your odds are good. You can search for these online. 10. Buy one get one free airline tickets advertised through companies like American Express. So in conclusion, there are many ways to get free airline tickets. Going to Vacation Tours USA travel club presentation is just one of them. See their Pinterest page. Get the latest tweets about free airline tickets at Twitter. There is even a blog. All their links at at Tumblr.
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